Coconut oil & oral health
Oil pulling (try once a week)
Benefits are certainly not limited to just the oral cavity, it is pulling toxins from the entire body
Typical brand mouthwashes kill all bacteria– good and bad; oil pulling kills bad bacteria while keeping the good
The science: bacteria are attracted to the lipid structure of the oil, therefore when you spit out the oil the bacteria are also spit out
How to: first thing in the morning, before even drinking water or brushing teeth, put a tbsp of oil (my preference is coconut but you can also use sesame) in your mouth and swish from 3-20 minutes. Spit out into trash can when done. Rise your mouth with warm water.
Benefits: fresh breath, tooth and gum health (whitening as well), detoxification support– studies have been showing more and more diseases being linked to bacteria in mouth such as cardiovascular disease, endocarditis, and pregnancy/birth
Oil pulling is a very special practice that has been done for thousands of years. It stems from an Ayurvedic practice-- the world’s most ancient holistic healing system that balances the mind and body. Oil pulling helps improve not only oral hygiene, but entire body rejuvenation. The simple step of swishing oil around in the mouth works wonders in pulling toxins that may reside directly in the gums and tongue of the mouth but also throughout the entire body. Oil pulling is such an easy and effective step to add to your morning routine as a form of self-care.
Of course brushing your teeth is extremely important and should never be replaced by oil pulling however consider oil pulling as a boost to oral hygiene, one step deeper, which is one of the reasons we love to do it. It leaves the mouth and tongue feeling so fresh and clean like you would have never experienced. It has also been discovered that oil pulling may whiten teeth, clearing stains from the surface which is a huge plus! While cleaning and stripping the bacteria from your mouth, toxins are also being pulled from the entire body through the tongue. Oil pulling activates the saliva to absorb chemical, biological, and environmental toxins which build up in our bodies. Evidence suggests that oil pulling may help to kill bad breath and improve gum health. Although there is not a ton of research and scientific evidence, it has even been suggested that oil pulling helps to reduce headaches, migraines, and hangovers, can help with acne and scarring, balance hormones, and can even help with sleep quality.
Every morning, first thing upon waking before brushing teeth or even drinking water, we take a tablespoon of organic extra virgin coconut oil and swish it around in our mouths for 5 - 10 minutes. After the time is up, spit the oil into the trash can. If you spit it into the sink or toilet, it could clog the drain so it is best to discard it in the trash can or into nature. Make sure not to swallow the swished oil as it is filled with toxins, so swallowing it would be toxic to the body! After the oil is out of the mouth, swish/gargle with warm salt water, this will get rid of the oily feeling in your mouth and help to clean a little bit further. After all this is done feel free to go ahead with brushing your teeth and getting on with your morning routine.. hydration- lemon water!
Our personal preference is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is antimicrobial and helps to prevent bacteria. You can also use sunflower or sesame oil. Sunflower and sesame oil are two other popular oils as studies have shown they can be helpful in removing plaque, but always try and opt for organic. Sesame oil also contains chlorosesamone which is antifungal, just another benefit.
Oil pulling definitely feels weird and first and will take some getting used to, but don’t give up if it isn't completely comfortable on the first try! The more you do it, the more you will get used to it. Try it out for a week and see how you feel by the end of it, remember do not swallow! We would love to hear all about your experiences.
Written by: Mia R.